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A Trusted Investment in Your Healing

Helping to heal thousands globally

What the experts are saying.. 

"There’s a really good nutritionist I know, Katie Morra, who wrote a nice ebook about heartburn and reflux, which patients can get. It is sort of a simple guide that you can give to your patients to help them do it on their own. Because a lot these things, once you know what to do, you can really make interventions so, so simple. " 
Todd LePine, MD on The Doctor's Farmacy with Mark Hyman, MD


Todd LePine, MD
The UltraWellness Center

 "The GHT Guide to Reversing Your Acid Reflux: is a valuable guide to getting your gut working optimally.  Katie dispels the myth of "too much acid" in people with heartburn.  Stomach acid is needed to help digest and absorb nutrients and the use of acid blocking medications, especially when used chronically, leads to many unintended consequences including nutrient depletion, increased risk for osteoporosis and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.  If you or any of your friends suffer from heartburn, give them a copy of the GHT Guide to Reversing Your Acid Reflux: and get the Gut Honest truth about acid reflux."

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Nicole Jardim
Women's Health Coach

"Katie's teaching style is engaging and interactive, which makes it easy to understand and retain the information. Katie is a true expert in this field, and her practitioner training programs provide a wealth of valuable information that can be put into practice right away."


Christine Maren, D.O.
Dr. Christine Maren

"As a functional medicine physician, I always advocate that patients with a diagnosis of IBS keep digging to find the root cause. I love the way that Katie has organized her approach to IBS to help patients identify their root cause issues. There is tons of valuable information in this ebook and "The Morra Method" keeps it simple and digestible (pun intended). Many people realize that stress and food sensitivities play a role with IBS, but never consider thyroid issues, underlying gut infections and low digestive output. The GHT guide breaks it all down."

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Carrie Jones ND
Nuethix Formulations

"I always love working with and collaborating with Katie! She takes such a scientific yet down to earth approach to all her education around gut health itself and how it interacts with other systems in the body like the thyroid. She makes it easy to understand and actionable for everyone!"


Jennifer Goldstock, ANP-BC
synRG Integrative

"Katie produces an amazing and incredibly informative ebook providing everything providers and patients need to know to treating acid reflux.  She uses her vast experience and knowledge, while interjecting her trademark sense of humor to describe a complex issue and give insight into treating successfully.  I highly recommend this to anyone struggling with acid reflux." 

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